Elysian Health


I now offer online sessions for clients worldwide who prefer to have them conducted in the safety, convenience and comfort of their home.

I am based in the UK, so when considering contacting me for a no obligation FREE initial consultation, please check with a time zone converter like the one below and let me know which dates and times work best.

Please remember to include your mobile/cell phone number and state whether you prefer to be contacted via FaceTime, Telegram, Signal or Viber.


If you would like any further information or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me via my business email, or by completing and submitting the Private and Confidential Contact Form below.

Email: aisling@elysian-health.co.uk

Complete and Submit Contact Form

Please enter your details below and I will respond as soon as possible.

The information you provide is always treated as Private and Confidential. It will only be used to communicate with you and will never be sold to any third parties.